Enggak sengaja waktu cari sesuatu di dapur, aku nemuin 1 batang Crisco (Vegetable shortening), kebetulan juga masih ada setengah toples kecil marshmallow dan 3 buah cupcake di meja makan, ya udah deh… jalan dulu bentar ke blog nya Rita buat baca resep marshmallow fondantnya (thanks buat resepnya ya jeng….), abis itu langsung tak praktekin, bikin fondant sendiri dengan sedikit bahan yang aku punya, tanpa punya alat buat nyetak fondant dan gula halusnya aku pake sedikit aja (soalnya takut kemanisan), ternyata berhasil, cuma karena bahan yang aku punya sedikit ya …yang ketutup dengan fondant dan sedikit pernak-pernik hanya 2 cupcakes, dan yang terakhir nggak dapat pernak-pernik sedikitpun..karena udah habis..bis..bis.. tapi untung masih kebagian penutup buat kepala cupcake nya, setelah selesai semua… aku jadi makin tertarik ternyata marshmallow fondant enak rasanya, akhirnya browser deh …cari resep butter icing, fondant, butter cream dll, aku save di http://coba-ngeblok.blogspot.com/, siapa tahu suatu saat aku pengen nyoba lagi…
Ingredients :
- 1/4 cup vegetable shortening (Crisco)
- 1 pound of mini marshmallow
- 1 tsp clear vanilla extract
- 1 tsp butter flavor
- 2 tbsp water
- 2 pounds powdered sugar
Directions :
1. Grease the inside of a large microwavable bowl with vegetable shortening (Crisco).
2. Put marshmallow, flavorings, and water into the bowl. Microwave on high for 60 seconds. If marshmallow are completely melted, you're ready to move on. If not, stir and return them back into the microwave for 30 second intervals- stirring after each until the marshmallows are completely melted.
3. Put powdered sugar into large mixing bowl. Fit stand mixer with dough hook.4. Add liquefied marshmallow mixture to powdered sugar. Process at low speed until well incorporated, then turn speed up slightly and allow dough hook to "knead" mixture until sugar is fully blended into the liquid.
Note:Be careful with this first step. The melted marshmallow can get extremely HOT!